
''Belyova church'', oil on canvas board * SOLD

"The white chair", color lithography 2016

"From Samokov - IV ", color lithography

"From Samokov - III ", color lithography

"From Samokov - II ", color lithography

"From Samokov - I ", color lithography

“Paris …..”, Finesse Gallery, Sofia - First on the left - Mariela Tabakova, Prof. Nikolai Maistorov and Radoslav Genev

"Ancien Cloitre Quartier - Ile de la Cite", acrylic 2014 * SOLD

Ville Auxerre, France/''Door I" - Eglise Saint Pierre, acrylic 2014

Ville Auxerre, France/''Door II" - Rue Joubert, acrylic 2014

PARIS - Cite Internationale des Arts/"From Paris I", 2013